Looking back on the last year, I feel have achieved so much. I completed a part time course in Fashion & Photographic Make Up, gaining a Level 2 qualification. This gave me the opportunity to do make up work on several big fashion shows, which were fantastic fun and invaluable experience.
©Anna Louise Crossley
I was also able to start working with photographers and models on photo shoots.
©Syan Photography
This was such an enjoyable and valuable experience, which I hope to continue with over the coming months. My skills in the studio were not the best, but I am learning and growing all the time. I can't wait for the next opportunity to get creative again!
Earlier in the year, I helped some friends who are film students, in the making of a zombie movie! It was great fun making everyone look un-dead!
This September, I started a new, full-time make up course, which also covers hair and SFX. So far it has been hard work, and very full-on, but I am absorbing everything like a sponge and loving the hands-on practise!
Keep up the good work this year girl! You've inspired me to do a course after I've paid for my wedding, it just sounds so so good :D